Children’s Religious Exploration

Welcome to our Children's Religious Exploration (CRE) Program. We offer a welcoming, supportive, progressive religious education for our children and we look forward to your family being a part of our village.

Our program helps children and youth deepen their understanding of our UU faith, celebrating each human's individual uniqueness, and learning to care for this magnificent earth we call home. Not to mention, we have loads of fun!

May Theme: The Gift of Pluralism

Continuing with Soul Matter’s overarching frame for the year, The Gifts of Our Faith, May explores The Gift of Pluralism.

The wording that is used in our UUA’s Article II proposal: “Pluralism: We celebrate that we are all sacred beings, diverse in culture, experience, and theology. We covenant to learn from one another in our free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We embrace our differences and commonalities with Love, curiosity, and respect.”

May 5 - Many Views: “We Need Each Other to Perceive the Whole!”

In this session, children will engage this value by understanding what the word Pluralism means. We also use this lesson to begin exploring one of the distinct messages our faith gives us about how to be a pluralistic faith.

May 12 - Many Sources: “We Are Made of Many Roots!”

In this session, we continue our exploration of the gift of pluralism with a special nod to Mother’s Day and the idea that we are all “mothered” and nurtured by many things, people, and experiences. We also answer the question of what it means to be a pluralistic faith by exploring how our UU faith, like us, is one that is fed by many roots, some sacred, some secular, and some scientific.

May 19 - Many People: “No One Gets Left Out!”

In this session, we explore how our pluralistic faith calls us to be inclusive and make sure no one is left out or finds themselves outside the circle.

May 26 - Many Reasons to Honor Memorial Day

In this session, we acknowledge that Memorial Day is about war and that, while there are many different views on war, we can all agree that honoring those who are no longer with us is a beautiful thing. It’s a way of honoring that we can take a pluralistic view of Memorial Day and affirm many different and valid ways to approach it.

Time for All Ages: A Tale of Two Beasts by Fiona Roberton

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Family Friendly Service

KUUF services are family friendly! Children are welcome to stay for the entire service. Most 5-12 year olds choose to go to Children's Religious Exploration (CRE) after Time for All Ages.

Time for All Ages

KUUF is a member of the Soul Matters Sharing Circle, a group of over 145 UU congregations who follow the same monthly worship themes. This year's overarching frame is The Gifts of Our Faith, focusing on ten beloved UU values and exploring their potential to shape us and in turn shape the world. This allows us to share in a Time for All Ages, often a story, that connects the theme to the sermon and to the activities the children will be doing. Following Time for All Ages most children go to Children's Religious Exploration.



Child Care Opens at 10:15 am each Sunday and until 15 minutes following the service. 

Child care can also be requested for Fellowship events.

From the lower parking lot, walk up the path, through the gate and into the lower level entry door on the right, CRE is on the left.

Books, games and activities are available for the kids to enjoy. We are baby ready if you have a little one.

Any questions, please ask Dianna, our Child Care Coordinator.

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Children’s Religious Exploration

Children's Religious Exploration (CRE) for children 5+ is a multi-age group. Using the Soul Matters curriculum, each Sunday has a variety of activities, stories, art, ritual, meditation. This year's focus is The Gift of Our Faith with each month focusing on a different gift.

The Gift of... September: Welcome October: Heritage November: Generosity December: Mystery January: Liberating Love February: Justice & Equity March: Transformation April: Interdependence May: Pluralism June: Renewal

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In the foyer there is a shelf full of fidgets, items that keep our bodies active while allowing our minds to focus. These are available for anyone who will benefit, there is silly puddy, coloring pages, pop-its....


Fun & Frolic

A fun-filled evening of food & fellowship. We celebrate as a community, with all ages and all abilities, simply having fun together! Wear your play clothes!