Agenda KUUF Board Meeting

Agenda KUUF Board

September 28, 2021, 6:00 pm via Zoom

Check-in at 5:45 pm

1. Chalice lighting: Reading from Board Covenant

2. Approval of agenda

3. Approval of Consent Agenda

4. Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes)

1. Welcome back to Rev. Jessica! Check-in with the Board.

2. Consideration of Rev. Jessica’s request to return to part-time for duration of church year.

Discussion with Committee on Shared Ministry

Possibility of going into executive session?

3. Worship Committee report and re-opening plans

• Latest Kitsap County COVID data

• Worship Committee plans

• Consider re-opening dates?

4. Re-opening issues

• No CRE or child-care personnel at present

• Guidelines needed for coffee hour: coffee served on breezeway? No food?

• Employ cleaners for bathrooms after service or rely on volunteers?

• Others?

5.Appointment of new Stewardship Committee members

• Rowan Braybook has agreed to serve; one more needed

6.DRE hiring talks with Cedars – Lisa

• Implications for budget

7. Items from our Finance 101 class: appoint sub-committees to consider the following?

• Appointing a Capital Planning Task Force (called for in the Finance Policy document)

• Bylaws amendment to allow funds from sources other than pledges and contributions

• Matan building management: what are the purposes for ownership and guidelines for improvements?

8. Report on progress in installing AV equipment for live-streaming services - Tanesha

9. Security monitoring sign-ups by Board members – Tanesha

10. For the good of the order

Thank You card recipients


Agenda KUUF Board Meeting

Agenda KUUF Board

August 24, 2021, 6:30 pm via Zoom

1. Chalice lighting: Reading from Board Covenant

2. Approval of agenda

3. Approval of Consent Agenda

4. Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes)

Discussion/Decision (10 minutes max. each item)

1. New agenda format: starting time, check-ins, better use of committees to advise the Board, etc.

2. Finance Committee recommendation re: increasing the Administrator’s hours – Susan Welch

3. KUUF Auction in November: repeat of last year’s on-line event? Ellen Newberg

4. Reconsideration of in-person services, choir practice: Beth Wilson

a. Any reason to change our decision? Delta variant update.

b. Response to August services

5. Guidelines for groups meeting outdoors at KUUF during this Covid upsurge.

Reports (10 minutes max. each item)

6. Instructions for monitoring Lorex System and monitoring schedule - Tanesha

7. Report on purchase of AV equipment for live-streaming services - Tanesha

8. Update on Rev. Jessica’s installation and her current status - LIsa

9. Discussion with Cedars UU re: hiring of DRE - Lisa

10. Nancy Jo’s Garden – Lisa

Questions to ponder: do we want to produce enough to donate to help lines? And

do we need a more formal Garden Committee?

11. Good of the order

Thank You card recipients


From the Board of Trustees

On Wednesday August 4, your Board held an emergency meeting to discuss three items surrounding our in-person re-opening.  Those items were the a) the KUUF picnic/potluck on August 15, b) the choir’s meeting to sing and record music late in August, and c) our combined “soft opening” and our full opening on September 5 and September 12, respectively.

 The Moving Forward Task Force (MFTF) had met the previous day to review, with our Parish  Nurse, the Delta variant of COVID-19.  (MFTF Minutes here) This information was shared with the Board, and was the basis for our decisions.

 August 15 picnic:  Although we agreed that with stringent protocols on masking and food serving, it is possible to hold such an event safely, the Board decided that the strict protocols would discourage many people from attending.  Council members present at their August 3 meeting had expressed similar concerns.  The Board voted unanimously to cancel the picnic.  We hope to hold such a potluck/picnic at a later date once infection levels subside.  Watch The Candle for updates, as well as for notes on when the KUUF Farmer’s Market will be in session.

 Choir music:  Our fabulous Choir Director had hopes that choir members who chose to, could meet together in the Sanctuary to sing and record music for our services.  This truly would have been a joy, both for choir members and for our greater congregation.   However, once again our concerns over the Delta variant’s potency prevailed, and we voted unanimously to delay this for at least a month.

 In-person reopening September 5 and 12:  Finally, our hopes of joining together for in-person services also fell to concern over the surging virus, and we voted to delay our in-person gathering for at least one month.  Our vote was also unanimous, although one Board member could not be present for this final vote.    The Board will revisit this question when we meet on August 24, and regularly thereafter.  We are particularly eager to have Reverend Jessica’s input on these questions when she returns to us in September.  In the meantime, our fabulous Worship Committee will continue to move us forward with multi-platform live-streaming.

 We are disappointed and sad to have to make these decisions.  We hope that Chalice Circles, Neighborhood Groups, book groups and others will continue to create ways for the beloved members of our community to meet together in smaller groupings, both in person and virtually.  Our community remains united in spirit, and in love.

Agenda: KUUF Board Meeting

Draft Agenda KUUF Board 

July 27, 2021, 6:30 pm via Zoom


1.     Chalice lighting:  Reading of Board Covenant 

2.     Check-in: How are your spirits?

3.     Approval of agenda

4.     Approval of Consent Agenda

5.     Treasurer’s Report


Old Business:

1.  Approve Worship Committee plan for August and September worship services: Edward or Beth Wilson
2.  Preparing for Multi-platform worship services: Bill & Ellie

a.     approve request for funds to purchase cameras and audio equipment for live-streaming of worship services. 

b.     Approve requesting Endowment Committee to reimburse purchase

3.  Rev. Jessica’s Installation: are there now enough members of planning committee? Lisa

4.  Building and Grounds report – exterior and interior painting: Bill or Ed Woods

5. Kitsap Handmade Market in our parking lot – on hold at Market’s request


New Business:

6.  Accept Peter Kreidler’s resignation, with great regret

7.  Approve candidate for Board position to finish Peter’s term 

8.   Assign responsibilities for security camera feed and response: Tanesha will lead us through this
9.  Approve having summer BBQ at the church on Sunday, August 15 rather than at the Wilson’s on Saturday, August 14.  

10.  Good of the order


Thank You card recipients


Agenda: KUUF Board Meeting

Draft Agenda KUUF Board 

June 22, 2021, 6:30 pm via Zoom


1.     Chalice lighting:  Reading of Board Covenant – Rev. Jessica

2.     Check-in: How did you get your name?  Is there a story behind it?

3.     Approval of agenda

4.     Approval of Consent Agenda

5.     Election of Executive Board, reconsidered

a.     Motion to nullify previous motion (May 27, 2021) for President (Johnson, Budd)

b.     Motion to nominate president 

c.     Motion to nominate vice president 

6.     Minister’s Report

7.     Treasurer’s Report


Old Business:

8.     Use of PPP funds and KUUF Board minutes of April, 2020

9.     Board Retreat:  thoughts, comments?  Issues that still need to be addressed?

10.  Personnel Committee – 

a.     Confirm members

b.     Board’s expectations for Personnel Committee, revision of Personnel Charter? 

c.     Committee to meet with Finance re: Administrator’s salary, benefits, and report back to Board for final approval

11.  Congregational survey on re-opening,: early results

12.  Confirm Board Liaison positions: any questions re: responsibilities or assignments?


New Business

13.  Preparing for Multi-platform worship services: 

a.     Need for a Task Force to make recommendations re: cameras, other equipment

b.     Need for tech support and where to find it?

c.     Budget considerations, where does the funding come from?

14.   Kitsap Handmade Market in our parking lot

15.  Rev. Jessica’s Installation: recruit more members of planning committee?

16.  Thank You card recipients

17.  Good of the order

Agenda: KUUF Board Meeting

Draft Agenda KUUF Board Minutes 

1.     Chalice lighting:  Reading of Board Covenant

2.     Check-in: What is one specific KUUF memory you love?

3.     The Changing of the Guard:  Thanks to outgoing members; welcome to incoming

4.     Election of Executive Board

a.     President/Co-Presidents

b.     Vice President

5.     Votes to adopt 

a.     Minutes of April’s meeting

b.     Result of email vote on Tanesha’s payment for time worked and bonus

c.      adopt Consent Agenda

d.     Adopt tonight’s agenda

6.     Committee Liaison roles:  

a.     Responsibilities

b.     assignments

7.     Minister’s Report

8.     Treasurer’s Report


Old Business:

9.     Reverend Jessica’s final evaluation report

10.  GA Delegates:  We need 3; we have 1


New Business

11.  Review Personnel Charter:  Is revision needed?

a.     Board’s expectations for Personnel Committee

b.     Committee makeup

12.  Board Retreat: 

a.     What do we want for our focus?

b.      date, place, focus

c.     Reverend Sarah Schurr?

13.  Other

14.  Thank You card recipients

15.  Good of the order

Mask Restrictions and KUUF

With masking restrictions easing in Kitsap County and the nation, many of us are asking “When can we return to KUUF?”  The question is a tough one, without straightforward answers.  We are living in a time when the rules are evolving, and we all must be patient as we strive to do what is best for the most people.

We are so happy that so many among us are vaccinated, and that with the new CDC guidelines there is the promise of returning to some semblance of normal life this summer.  This is wonderful progress!  There is light ahead!

Our Moving Forward Task Force, which is charged with advising our Board on pandemic safety, meets regularly, and we met Thursday 5/20/21 to clarify our current masking protocol.

Jennifer Ingalls, our Parish Nurse, stated that the CDC’s lifting of the mask directive caught many in the medical community by surprise, and many are uneasy with it.   It is true that transmission levels are currently low, and perhaps the lifting was offered as an incentive for more people to become vaccinated.   That said, Kitsap County’s current vaccination rate is 50%, which is low, and needs to be higher if we are to defeat this virus. Being vaccinated protects you and lowers the risk of exposure to your children and other vulnerable members of our society.  Being vaccinated also makes it likely that you would be asymptomatic should you contract the virus.  Even vaccinated individuals can spread the virus to unvaccinated and vulnerable individuals, including children.

The Board, with the support of Reverend Jessica, and in line with UUA guidance, has taken the position that we will not meet together in person again until all can do so safely.  This position is most in line with our values as an inclusive community.  We will revisit that recommendation when we next meet on 5/27/21 via Zoom at 6:30 pm.  

For now, as we are beginning to gather together again in small groups at the Fellowship and in members’ homes, here is what the Board has decided regarding masking protocols:

·      Masks will still be required for all inside KUUF buildings.

·      Masks will be required outside at KUUF if there are unvaccinated or vulnerable people present together.

·      For KUUF events held in people’s homes (Chalice Circles, Neighborhood Groups, Book groups), vaccinated people can unmask at the discretion of the group.  

·      KUUF Sunday services will continue online until further notice, as not all members can join together at this time.  We will continue to monitor the situation as new information becomes available.

We will continue to revisit the question of reopening, we welcome your input and we realize there is a wide range of opinions on when this should occur. The board continues to stay tuned to the state, the CDC, and Kitsap Public Health recommendations as well as the recommendations of the Moving Forward Task Force. We will continue to update you in the weeks ahead as we know more, though we do not anticipate a full reopening in the immediate future.

We all understand COVID fatigue, and are eager to join together once again.  We also understand that those most vulnerable to infection are also those without voice in our community.  We must continue to be patient.  

The Board commits itself to regular communication with our community as we go forward. If you have questions, please send them to

In faith and love,

Lisa Johnson, for the KUUF Board of Trustees


Agenda: KUUF Board Meeting

Amended Agenda for KUUF Board




1.   Chalice lighting:  Reading of Board Covenant

2.  Check- In 

3.  Approval of Agenda (with new items below)

4.  Approval of Consent Agenda

5.  Minister’s Report

6.  Treasurer’s Report


Old Business

7.   Details and roles for ACM

8.  Earthquake insurance:  approval to pay

9.  MFTF:  Recommendation for Phase 3 plan 

Requires Board approval

10.                Budget revisit:  Operational shift ahead regarding Tech support and compensation



New Business

11.               Approval of money for Nancy Jo’s garden 

12.               Review Disruptive Behavior policy

13.               Begin planning for Rev. Jessica’s installation:        Task Force?

14.               Request from Lord’s Neighborhood Diner

15.               Other

16.               Good of the Order and Thank You notes

Agenda: KUUF Board Meeting

                         KUUF BOARD AGENDA MARCH 25,2021

  1. Check in and chalice lighting

  2. Approve agenda

  3. Approve February minutes and consent agenda

  4. Treasurer’s report

  5. Ministers report-Update on Self Evaluation


  1. Bylaws revisions—Peter

  2. Moving Forward Task Force update—Rev Jessica

  3. Charitable giving update—Jack

  4. Personnel update—Rev Jessica


  1. Report on Campus improvement discussion—Ed

  2. Letter of Agreement—Lisa

  3. Getting ready for the annual meeting—Apr. meeting date; CWTB?

  4. Earthquake Insurance, and Safe Schools Network fee—Jack

Good of the order


Thank you cards



Pandemic Safety Plan

Dear Beloved Community,

This Sunday’s service will mark the one- year anniversary of our Coronavirus lockdown. It has been a grim and an amazing year. The world, our country, and our community have faced terrible losses. We have also drawn together, reached out and supported each other. We have grown as a congregation; we have called a Settled Minister. And we will continue to move forward, together.

Last summer the KUUF Board formed the Moving Forward Task Force, to share information and advise the Board on how to keep our congregation and employees safe as we move through the phases of the shutdown. Task Force members are Jennifer Ingalls (Parish Nurse), Beth Wilson (Worship Chair), Ed Woods (Building and Grounds Chair), Susan Welsh (Finance Chair), Tanesha Smith (Administrator), Lisa Johnson (Board) and Reverend Jessica. They have created the KUUF Pandemic Safety Guidelines and Plan, which is a history of KUUF’s response to the pandemic and a plan for the evolving path forward. The Plan’s Executive Summary is below, as well as a link to the entire document.

Executive Summary

This document identifies KUUF’s moment in time during the Coronavirus Pandemic (see next section below), our plans for responding to it going forward (see the Reopening Plan chart on page 4), what values underlay those plans (Seven Values, page 2), what we have done to date to protect and support our congregants’ and congregation’s health (To Meet the Challenge, pages 5-6), and what specific protocols we are and will continue to use to limit risk of infection (Important Protocols, page 3). Our plan relies upon national, state, and local public health guidelines and requirements and is based on medical science and is guided by the medical expertise of our Parish Nurse.

In our phased approach (page 4), the use of the building is currently limited to only the most necessary needs. All worship, meetings and business are conducted online, to the extent possible. We will enter each KUUF Phase two weeks after the state opens Kitsap County to each phase. Our KUUF Phase II will allow for live streaming of worship services (with no singing inside), indoor non-social meetings of up to 5 people and outdoor use for small group KUUF gatherings. Users must be masked and physically distanced (6’ or 2 meters) from each other. We will enter Phase III two weeks afterthe state designates Kitsap County to be in Phase III. Aside from a detailed opening/risk reduction plan that we must prepare, little more is known at this time about Phase III or subsequent phases.

One decision has been made: We will not worship together in our sanctuary until we call ALL do so safely. We are one church and we will be all together again when it is safe.

Because the situation is so fluid, the Board may need to change these plans as we learn more or conditions change. The Board recognizes that our congregation is feeling its way through this time with uncertainty, love and great care.

Read more

Agenda: KUUF Board Meeting

KUUF Board of Trustees meet monthly. Members are welcome.

1. Chalice lighting and check=in

2. Reading of Board Covenant

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Approval of Consent Agenda

5. Minister’s Report

6. Treasurer’s Report

New Business

7. Moving Forward Task Force: discussion and approval of report

8. Right relations, and our Letter of Understanding with Reverend Jessica: Considerations as we go forward

· Life insurance


9. Budget planning/ Stewardship update

10. Revision of By-Laws for Annual Congregational Meeting

· Board Officers: language to include co-presidents

· Language to include virtual meetings

· Language to include electronic voting

· Fellowship Council leadership

· Need volunteers to draft

11. Upcoming Board openings and leadership

12. Charitable giving ballot: additions and/or deletions


Read more

Getting Ready for Our Vote January 31, 2021 UPDATE!

Get Ready for our Vote on January 31, 2021!  Congregational Meeting to Call Reverend Jessica Star Rockers into Settled Ministry at KUUF


            One of the signs of our strength as a beloved community is that-- despite the economic and personal insecurity of living through this pandemic-- attendance, giving, and membership at KUUF are alive and doing well.  For many of us, and I hope for you, KUUF is an anchor of care and stability through these hard times.

            A powerful sign of this has been demonstrated by the Settled Ministry Task Force’s report, which shows that as a congregation we ARE ready and willing to call our minister, Reverend Jessica Star Rockers, into Settled Ministry.  She has been our contract minister, which means her term with us is limited to what the Board and she contract to honor.  Settled Ministry is a greater level of commitment from both minister and congregation.

            The report from the Settled Ministry Task Force (SMTF) shows that congregational support for this move is virtually universal!  Now as a congregation we need to vote, and our need for widespread participation in this vote is vital.  Our bylaws require that our vote must have a quorum of 50% of our members, and the vote be 90% or more in favor. 

            This means we need every member to join us directly after the service on January 31, 2021, to take part in our congregational vote.  On that Sunday, our Congregational meeting will directly follow the service.


 Here are some details to keep in mind:

·        The Congregational Meeting will be brief, focusing only on this vote. Here is the complete agenda: 

o   Establish our quorum

o   Demonstrate how to vote

o   Hold the vote

·        Because we have been discussing this for months, through communication and meetings with the Settled Ministry Task Force, Conversations with the Board, in Coffee Hour, and through personal communications, we will not be debating the vote at the meeting.  If you still have questions, please contact a Board member, member of the Settled Ministry Task Force, or your Neighborhood Group leader prior to the meeting.   (My email is, and my phone is 360-551-1195.)


·        We will vote using the Polling function in Zoom Webinar.  This Sunday, 1/24/2021, our service will contain 5-minute training at the end on how to vote using the poll. Coffee Hour and Adult RE will follow in Zoom Meeting, and we’ll share the links then.

·        The following Sunday’s service(1/31/21) will have Reverend Jessica preaching, and will be followed directly by our Congregational Meeting to vote to call her.  No need to switch to any other Zoom format!

·         All votes will go directly to Tanesha Smith, our Administrative Assistant.  Votes will be private and recorded for our archive.

·        Only members may vote.  People need to have been active members for 60 days or longer to be eligible.  Please contact Tanesha at

if you are not certain of your status.

·        The poll is adjusted to accommodate multiple people signing in on one device.  We’ll have a brief poll training right after the service on 1/24 and 1/31.  It’s easy, so don’t fret!

·        Paper ballots may be requested in advance from

·        Paper ballots MUST BE RECEIVED by January 29, 2021 to be counted.

·        People attending the meeting by phone only WILL be counted in the quorum, but should request a paper ballot in advance to vote. If you forget to do this, you may send a private Chat message to Tanesha during the meeting, and it will be counted.


Neighborhood group leaders will be contacting you via postcards and phone with reminders, asking for your commitment to participate. 


So please mark your calendars for January 31, 11:45 am.  Affix your reminder postcard to your fridge or bathroom mirror…whatever it takes to be part of this important event to celebrate our beloved Reverend Jessica Star Rockers!


          Thank you, and looking forward to seeing you on January 31!


                    Lisa Johnson, for the KUUF Board of Trustees

                    Beth Wilson, for the Settled Ministry Task Force

Mark Your Calendars for January 31, 2021

Mark those 2021 Calendars!:  Congregational Meeting to Call Reverend Jessica Star Rockers into Settled Ministry at KUUF


            One of the signs of our strength as a beloved community is that-- despite the economic and personal insecurity of living through this pandemic-- attendance, giving, connection, and membership at KUUF are alive and doing well.  For many of us, and I hope for you, KUUF is an anchor of care and stability through these hard times.

            A powerful sign of this has been demonstrated by the Settled Ministry Task Force’s report, which shows that as a congregation we ARE ready and willing to call our minister, Reverend Jessica Star Rockers, into Settled Ministry.  She has been our contract minister, which means her term with us is limited to what the Board and she contract to honor.  Settled Ministry is a greater level of commitment from both minister and congregation.

            The report from the Settled Ministry Task Force (SMTF) shows that congregational support for this move is virtually universal!  Now as a congregation we need to vote, and widespread participation is vital.  Our bylaws require that our vote must have a quorum of 50% of our members, and the vote be 90% or more in favor. 

            This means we need every member to join us directly after the service on January 31, 2021, to take part in our congregational vote.  On that Sunday, our Congregational meeting will directly follow the service.  Members won’t have to leave and sign in to a separate meeting as we do for Coffee Hour.


 Here are some details to keep in mind:

·        The Congregational Meeting will be brief, focusing only on this vote.

·        The Meeting will directly follow the regular service. No need for new link.

·        Voting will be virtual, although folks not comfortable with that may request a paper ballot in advance from Tanesha at  More specific information on the voting process will follow in a blast email next week.

·        Only members can vote, and need to have been active members for a minimum of 90 days to be eligible.

·        All ballots will count, but only those in attendance at the meeting may be counted toward the quorum. Phone attendees WILL count toward the quorum.


Neighborhood group leaders will be contacting you via postcards and phone with reminders, asking for your commitment to participate. 


So please mark your calendars for January 31, 11:45 am.  Affix your reminder postcard to your fridge or bathroom mirror…whatever it takes to be part of this important event to celebrate our beloved Reverend Jessica Star Rockers!


          Thank you, and looking forward to seeing you on January 31!


Lisa Johnson, for the KUUF Board of Directors

Beth Wilson, for the Settled Ministry Task Force

Beloved Community and Shared Ministry at KUUF

Since our Reverend Jessica Star Rockers came to us, KUUF has been talking about Shared Ministry, what it means and what it looks like. Reverend Jessica is a gift and a treasure, as evidenced by last Sunday’s Solstice celebration, which brought so many people into active participation in our service. It was a joy, bringing us together to celebrate the return of the sun. While yesterday had only about 5 more seconds of daylight than the day before, the service reminded us of the hope that lies ahead.
Our community of volunteers, members and friends who give tirelessly of themselves has sustained me with hope through this long time of lockdown, uncertainty, and isolation. Below are some of the ways individuals are making our Fellowship stronger, and putting love out into the world, serving KUUF in personal ministry. I know there is more than what I share here, but I want you to know how members and friends of our Fellowship are giving their time, talent and treasure to build our beloved community.

  • Our holiday food drive collected more that $3000 and 800 pounds of food for the Bremerton Helpline.

  • After an immense maple tree fell onto the drain field for the Easter Seals building last spring, a cadre of chainsaw-wielding volunteers worked for hours to clear the tree so we could assess the damage.

  • Since then, that same cadre (joined by more folks) exchanged their chainsaws for shovels and dug holes to find where the pipes are broken. This is work that could have cost us $2000 per day, but our building and grounds team took it on themselves. The repair work is now commencing.

  • Members’ pledges are continuing at our normal pace, despite economic uncertainty. We are so grateful for the support of so many.

  • Our Settled Ministry Task Force spent countless hours surveying members about our readiness to call Reverend Jessica into settled ministry. The result is a resounding YES, and our Congregational Meeting for a vote is set for January 31, 2021, at 11:45 am. Our bylaws require 50% of our members to be present, and of that quorum, 90% vote yes. PLEASE MARK THAT DATE ON YOUR CALENDARS AND JOIN US! WE NEED YOU THERE. We will be voting using the Zoom format, but paper ballots will be available for those who need them. Please contact Tanesha if you need one.

  • Our neighborhood groups are reaching out to each other to make sure no one feels alone. Neighborhood group leaders are making sure everyone knows about our January 31 meeting, and can help people feeling techno-challenged in using Zoom. Throughout January, the SMTF will also be giving lessons how to cast ballots anonymously using Zoom’s Chat function.

  • Chalice Circles continue to provide personal and spiritual connections.

  • Our Fun and Frolic committee has held and continues to provide opportunities to gather together for online social events. We share Thanksgiving desserts, and had an Anonymous Elf gift exchange and unveiling party. Despite distance from friends and family, we carried on with holiday traditions.

  • Our November auction exceeded its budget goal, and was a great deal of fun as well! Thanks to all who planned, donated, bid, and delivered a wide array of creative items, including the talent show.

  • Our Religious Education team has been meeting regularly with our children and youth, and this week delivered gift bags and holiday cheer to children in our RE program. Thanks for that personal ministry!

There are probably glaring omissions here, and my apologies for them. Our shared ministry is the time, talent, and treasure our people give to KUUF. I am so honored to be a part of this Fellowship. While the post-COVID normal will be different from what we were back in March, I know that together we are all stronger. Thank you for being part of our beloved community.

Lisa Johnson
Co President of KUUF Board of Trustees

Notice from the KUUF Board and the Moving Forward Task Force

Where are we now with COVID-19? 

While COVID-19 infections surge in Kitsap County, in Washington, and across the US, KUUF’s Moving Forward Task Force continues to meet and monitor what we are doing as a religious community through these holiday months to keep ourselves, our employees, and our community safe. 

Reverend Jessica and Parish Nurse Jennifer Ingalls met with the Kitsap County Department of Health and local faith communities via Zoom last week.  Yes, several other faith communities are choosing to meet in person, at reduced capacity and with masks and social distancing in place.  However, Dr. Gib Morrow, of Kitsap Public Health, stated several times during that meeting that the safest and most helpful choice was NOT to meet in person, and not in groups. 

The surge is threatening to overburden our health care system, and our frontline workers are exhausted.  Please continue observing safety protocols, including

·      Wearing your masks

·      Washing hands frequently

·      Getting your flu shot

·      Avoiding all gatherings beyond your family “bubble”

·      Staying home, whenever possible.

We are committed to operating with the least amount of risk for transmitting COVID-19 possible.  For that reason, our facilities continue to be closed, and we will celebrate the season virtually, connected to each other through our online services, Chalice Circles, Neighborhood Groups, committee meetings, and holiday festivities.  We understand and share the desire to be together in person, but we are committed to following science and our covenant to each other to stay safe so we can celebrate together in the future.

We are committed, out of love, to remain physically apart.

The holidays are difficult time for many, even during “normal” times.  If you are experiencing financial difficulties, Reverend Jessica has the Minister’s Discretionary Fund, money donated by our members to help those in need.  Please contact Reverend Jessica at

Also, if you are needing pastoral care, our Pastoral Care team, made up of Reverend Jessica, Karen Leader Scott, Jessica Demick, and Jerry Butler, are ready to listen.

Please know that in this hard time, you are not alone.  Our beloved community is here for you and for us all.  

Moving Forward Task Force:  Reverend Jessica Star Rockers, Jennifer Ingalls, Ed Woods, Beth Wilson, Susan Welsh, Lisa Johnson, Tanesha Smith

KUUF Board:  Terry Mallory, Lisa Johnson, Jack Peterson, Ellie Klauminzer, Nathan Emmett, Ed Looby, Peter Kreidler 

Agenda KUUF Board Meeting

December Board Meeting Agenda - Draft

1. Chalice lighting and Check-In
2. Reading of Board Covenant
3. Minister’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report

Old Business:

5. Camera installation update: Paul Wilson
6. Drain field update
7. Heaters for the breezeway

New Business
8. Tech support person from Congregation: Who?
9. Expansion of CRE:
a. What would it look like?
b. How would we pay for Certification training?
c. How would we pay for a half-time DRE position?
d. What would a DRE’s responsibilities be?
10. Jenell: experience and interest
11. Update from Moving Forward TF
12. Stewardship Campaign and Shared Ministry: Peter Kreidler
13. Conversations with the Board: Future meetings

Conversation with the Board

After Sunday Service 11/29/20

As a brand new member of the Board of Trustees, I’m impressed with the breadth of agenda items that we deal with each month, and with the great good news we’ve received about the health of our KUUF community. At our November meeting, for example, we heard the very positive report of the Settled Ministry Task Force regarding calling Rev. Jessica as our minister, heard about the installation of security cameras and repair of the KUUF septic system, and considered outdoor heating options and expansion ideas for the sanctuary, among others. From the mundane (hiring cleaning crews), to the exciting (live-streaming our services once we return to the building), the items that the Board considers, discusses, and decides have, we hope, far-reaching beneficial outcomes for our KUUF community.

Want to hear more of our good news? Your Board voted unanimously to hold a vote to call Reverend Jessica as our settled minister! After weeks of work contacting members and gathering input, the Settled Ministry Task Force presented their report to the Board. That report showed the massive enthusiasm on the part of our members to move Reverend Jessica from a contract minister status into a settled minister status.

Come join our Conversation With the Board on Sunday, November 29 during coffee time after the service. Members of the Settled Ministry Task Force will join the Board in answering your questions about how and when we will go about calling Rev. Jessica as our Settled Minister! This is a conversation you don’t want to miss!

Ellie Klauminzer
Member, Board of Trustees

Agenda KUUF Board Meeting

October 22, Board Agenda

  1. Chalice lighting and check in

  2. Approve agenda and consent agenda

  3. Minister’s report

  4. Treasurer’s report

Old business
5. Yardwork and cleaning update
6. Security cameras update (Paul Wilson) New Business

  1. Board training: November 14: 9 am to 3 pm

  2. Ventilation in Sanctuary (Paul Wilson) Ellie’s article in Consent Agenda

  3. Drain field (Paul Wilson)

  4. Auction update

  5. Music: Alena Menefee Hemingway

  6. Election Day: Keeping the Chalice Lit: Discussion

  7. Update on Fun and Frolic activity

  8. Thank you notes

  9. Good of the Order: Share Executive Summary of Settled Ministry Task Force

Agenda KUUF Board Meeting

  1. Chalice lighting and Check-In

  2. Reading of Board Covenant

  3. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda

  4. Minister’s Report

  5. Treasurer’s Report

Old Business


6.    Settled Ministry Task Force Presentation:  Beth Wilson, Edward Lawes, Dean McColl, and Mack Johnson

·                Presentation of report

  • Method for secure voting: available software

  • Date for vote

  • Discussion

  1. Installation of security cameras: update from Paul Wilson

* Need for tech support person to monitor and adjust 

  1. Outdoor heating units/tents: what is safe and secure for small outdoor meetings at KUUF?

  2. Auction Update

  3. Expansion ideas for the Sanctuary: Ed Looby

New Business

11.  Easter Seals/ Gateway update:  Should we defer their lease payments for a limited period?

  1. Thanksgiving evening Zoom Gathering: what is happening?

  2. Jenell Dematteo: funding for her to pursue certification for RE Director position

  3. Plan Conversations with the Board: Getting Through and Staying Safe: Checking in with our community: Date?

  4. Good of the Order and Thank You notes