Agenda KUUF Board Meeting

October 22, Board Agenda

  1. Chalice lighting and check in

  2. Approve agenda and consent agenda

  3. Minister’s report

  4. Treasurer’s report

Old business
5. Yardwork and cleaning update
6. Security cameras update (Paul Wilson) New Business

  1. Board training: November 14: 9 am to 3 pm

  2. Ventilation in Sanctuary (Paul Wilson) Ellie’s article in Consent Agenda

  3. Drain field (Paul Wilson)

  4. Auction update

  5. Music: Alena Menefee Hemingway

  6. Election Day: Keeping the Chalice Lit: Discussion

  7. Update on Fun and Frolic activity

  8. Thank you notes

  9. Good of the Order: Share Executive Summary of Settled Ministry Task Force