Agenda: KUUF Board Meeting

Draft Agenda KUUF Board 

July 27, 2021, 6:30 pm via Zoom


1.     Chalice lighting:  Reading of Board Covenant 

2.     Check-in: How are your spirits?

3.     Approval of agenda

4.     Approval of Consent Agenda

5.     Treasurer’s Report


Old Business:

1.  Approve Worship Committee plan for August and September worship services: Edward or Beth Wilson
2.  Preparing for Multi-platform worship services: Bill & Ellie

a.     approve request for funds to purchase cameras and audio equipment for live-streaming of worship services. 

b.     Approve requesting Endowment Committee to reimburse purchase

3.  Rev. Jessica’s Installation: are there now enough members of planning committee? Lisa

4.  Building and Grounds report – exterior and interior painting: Bill or Ed Woods

5. Kitsap Handmade Market in our parking lot – on hold at Market’s request


New Business:

6.  Accept Peter Kreidler’s resignation, with great regret

7.  Approve candidate for Board position to finish Peter’s term 

8.   Assign responsibilities for security camera feed and response: Tanesha will lead us through this
9.  Approve having summer BBQ at the church on Sunday, August 15 rather than at the Wilson’s on Saturday, August 14.  

10.  Good of the order


Thank You card recipients
