KUUF Update

Dear KUUF Members and Friends,

As you know, this Sunday will be Reverend Crystal's last day in the KUUF pulpit. For the remainder of April, she will be taking her paid study leave and only available for pastoral care emergencies. Even in the short eight months she has been with us as a contract minister, she has made an impact, especially with her loving pastoral care and joyous intergenerational services. At the end of the service this Sunday, we will have a brief leave-taking ceremony, to thank her for her service here and wish her well in her future ministry.

Over the next year, we plan to explore what shared ministry looks like with the board, committees, and the congregation as a whole. As we say during the stewardship campaign every year, our community is enriched by, and indeed relies on, the time, talent, and treasure shared by each member of the congregation. Further defining what those responsibilities look like at KUUF will help us create a more unified vision for our congregation.

Looking ahead, the KUUF board is planning to post a position for a 1/4 time minister, whose main focus would be pastoral care and worship services. This position is listed in the budget that you will be voting on in the congregational meeting on April 30th. We plan to post the call for this position soon, with the hope of being able to hire a candidate in May or June after the congregational meeting and in order to ensure minimal disruption to pastoral care. After services on April 16th and 23rd, there will be congregational conversations with the board. The conversation on each Sunday will start with an opportunity for anyone in the congregation to share their thoughts and feelings about the plans to hire a new minister, and will also include a review and conversation about the next year’s budget.

Your KUUF board is an all-volunteer group of congregational members, elected by the congregation every year to represent the community’s priorities and concerns and responsibly steward its resources. We recognize that challenges will arise in any community as part of inevitable change and growth. When approached with thoughtfulness and mutual respect, these challenging times can be opportunities for a resilient and supportive community to grow even stronger. Your board is committed to respond to these challenges with consideration and compassion, while respecting the dignity and privacy of those involved. The board continues to remain open to discussing and addressing concerns when anyone in the community voices them.

Thank you for your grace and kindness during this transition.

In fellowship,

Your KUUF Board of Trustees:

Ed Looby (president)

Ellie Klauminzer (vice president)

Bill Budd

Jerry Butler

Robin Sing

Rowan Braybrook

Ruth Powers-Piccone