A message to the congregation that everyone needs to volunteer - it's good for them and its good for KUUF!

From the Board President:

Reading # 473 in Singing the Living Tradition:

Love is the spirit of this church, and service its law.

This is our great covenant:

To dwell together in peace,

To seek the truth in love,

And to help one another.

- James Vila Blake

Two things have changed me for the better since I started attending KUUF, both equally important:

1. Listening weekly to a sermon about how to be a better, more loving person.

2. Serving this blessed faith community on many different committees over the years.

Both those things have been huge blessings in my life, giving me growth, joy, deep friendships, building my spindly capacity to love, and making my life matter in ways that I could not have imagined when Paul and I first entered KUUF’s doors 26 years ago this fall.

“Love is the spirit of KUUF, and service is its law.” KUUF doesn’t have a law about service, but it sure does make a difference! Our congregation is filled with people who give huge amounts of time and energy to the church. Many have become my best family and friends. But that would have not happened if all I did was come to worship services each Sunday.

Friendships grow when we work together toward a commonly shared goal or value. Over these years, I’ve been so blessed to serve on many committees and taught our children in Religious Education classes. Those children are all grown up now, many with children of their own. My life has become so much richer for the deep friendships I’ve made in serving KUUF on many committees. And it’s not so much the work those committees did that stays with me, it’s the people I share that work with who are now dearly beloved friends. What a gift to my soul and heart! And what a joy to know I have made a difference to our church. I counted recently and KUUF has 22 committees and a new one forming up. That doesn’t count Chalice Circles and Book Groups, which primarily serve the members of those groups. If you aren’t on one of those 22 committees, not only are you missing out on one of the most important gifts that KUUF can give you, friendships that grow over time and the joy of giving back, but you are also not supporting this beloved community. We need your help.

If you’ve been attending KUUF for a few months, a few years, or in some cases, a few decades, and are not volunteering to help out, then it’s time for you to do so. Your gifts are important, you belong here and to us, your participation is important. We have some KUUF committees that are struggling to get the job done because they need more people to help. Please be one of the people who makes a difference for our beloved community. Remember, it’s part of our great covenant “to help one another.” Next week we’ll hold a Mission Fair after the worship service. Most of our committees will have a table to inform us about their work and how you can help. Please come and sign up for the service that will fill your heart.

In Love and Fellowship,

Beth Wilson